October 16--November 20, 2021

Studio Kroner is excited to present designer, writer, director, producer, showrunner, and now, artist JEFF BELL for his first-ever show, opening with a public reception on Saturday, October 16, 2021, from 2-5 pm.
Jeff was born in Indiana, studied design at the University of Cincinnati, then moved to Los Angeles, receiving an MFA from the UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television in 1990. His award-winning 20 minute MFA thesis film, Radio Inside, was adapted into a feature film of the same name and released in 1994. After that, Jeff moved into television. He is now a writer, director, producer and showrunner. Some of his credits include The X-Files, Alias, Angel, and most recently, Marvel’s Agent’s of S.H.I.E.L.D.
While his day job is a very public way to make a living—creating something that’s designed for an audience of millions—his personal artwork has been an intimate way for him to unwind. It is immediate, inexpensive, and personal— and up until now, designed to please an audience of one.
“It was my dear friend Paul Kroner, owner of Studio Kroner, who suggested that my drawings might have a life beyond the electronic devices I create them on. That others might like them. That they might look good really, really big. So here they are, for all to see, living a life far richer and expansive than they or I ever imagined.”
For his part, gallerist Paul Kroner is thrilled to have his work on the walls of Studio Kroner. “I have been a fan of Jeff’s drawing and illustrations for years. His work is bold, graphical, and full of joy and playful spontaneity.”